Department of Ocean Engineering Unhas Achieves IABEE Accreditation

The Department of Ocean Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering at Hasanuddin University (Unhas) has successfully obtained accreditation from the Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE). This accreditation is an international recognition of the quality of ocean engineering education at Unhas.

The Head of the Department of Ocean Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering at Unhas, Dr. Chairul Paotonang, stated that this IABEE accreditation was one of the targets that had been set since 2020. He hoped that with this accreditation, the Department of Ocean Engineering at Unhas could become a center for ocean engineering education in eastern Indonesia.

“We are very grateful and proud of this achievement. This is the result of hard work from all academic members of the Department of Ocean Engineering at Unhas, including students, lecturers, staff, and alumni. We are committed to continuously improving the quality of education and research in the field of ocean engineering,” said Dr. Chairul.

This IABEE accreditation was obtained after going through a long and rigorous assessment process. The assessment process included registration, submission of self-evaluation reports, review and feedback from study programs in several rounds, visitation, first evaluation, and determination of assessment results.

Some of the aspects assessed by IABEE include the design and achievement of the graduate profile outcomes, including meeting the Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO), the design and implementation of a curriculum that can meet the GLO, student conditions, lecturer qualifications, support from facilities and university leaders in the learning process, and the process of quality evaluation and continuous improvement.

With this IABEE accreditation, the Department of Ocean Engineering at Unhas became one of three ocean engineering study programs in Indonesia that have been internationally accredited. The three study programs are the Ocean Engineering Study Program at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), and Unhas.

This IABEE accreditation also means that graduates of the Department of Ocean Engineering at Unhas have a quality standard that is internationally recognized. Graduates of the Department of Ocean Engineering at Unhas can compete with graduates of ocean engineering study programs from other universities that are accredited by IABEE under the Washington Accord.

The Washington Accord is a cooperation agreement between engineering education accreditation bodies from various countries to mutually recognize the accreditation results of engineering study programs in their member countries. Some of the member countries of the Washington Accord include the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Indonesia.